Reignite your passion for life




“Trying to improve your relationships without building healthy mental fitness habits is like sailing a ship without a compass – you may eventually reach your destination, but it will be a bumpy ride full of detours and nasty setbacks. Let me help you chart a course towards more mindful and meaningful connections through personalised coaching and habit-building strategies.”

Get ready to rediscover your most authentic self and become your own

tag team champion!

As a relationship coach who empowers my clients who are going through middle-age adjustments, I’m here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and help you reinvent yourself. Whether you’re experiencing a midlife crisis or just feeling stuck, I can help you navigate through those pesky challenges and come out the other side stronger than ever. It’s time to level up your mental fitness, become your own best friend, and take charge of your life.

Improving your relationship with yourself is key to better relationships with others, even your frenemies. And let’s face it, being human can be a rollercoaster of emotions – from happy highs to downright cranky lows. But instead of shoving those feelings down and hiding them under a spandex superhero suit (unless that’s your thing!), let’s embrace them! That’s right, it’s time to let your emotions out for a wild dance party, and learn how to use them as your trusty guidance system. With a little help from your Sage (aka your inner guru), you’ll be able to navigate through life’s twists and turns with ease and find joy in the journey. Who knows, you might even discover a few new reasons to laugh along the way!

But what does it mean to love yourself? Well, it’s not about buying a fancy sports car or getting a tattoo of your face on your bicep – although that could be a fun conversation starter! Loving yourself means developing a healthy relationship with yourself, treating yourself with kindness and compassion, and embracing all of your unique quirks and imperfections. And when you truly love yourself, you’ll find that your relationships with others – yes, even the nail-clipping coworkers and the weird neighbours with the yard full of garden gnomes – become more positive and fulfilling. You might even find yourself bonding over a mutual love of obscure cat videos or artisanal pickles.

So, let’s start a beautiful love story with ourselves and begin a powerful practice of true self-romance. This can be the most wholesome reality TV show ever!

Ever wonder if your mind is your friend or foe? Take the PQ Test and see the percentage of time your mind is on your side

‘Intuition and self-love go hand in hand. Your soul’s purpose will come out loud and clear as you love yourself more.’ 

Anita Moojani 

Contact Us

I work via telephone, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp. and face-to-face with clients all over the world.