The Process

Be The One Journey

Step 1

In this 45-minute session, we’ll not only get to know each other, but we’ll also identify where you stand in terms of self-love and the benefits that Be The One Coaching with Positive Intelligence can bring to your life. Together, we’ll focus on your current challenge or burning issue, giving us an opportunity to explore whether working together is an absolute yes for both of us. So, let’s dive in and start this journey of self-discovery and growth

Step 2

6-Week APP-Based Positive Intelligence Program

Get ready to flex your mental fitness muscle and take your self-love journey to the next level with our 6-week APP-based Positive Intelligence Program

The positive Intelligence framework is the key to building the foundation for long-lasting self-love and fulfilling life. With my guidance and support (weekly POD sessions), you’ll emerge from this program with a deep understanding of your inner critic and the ability to cultivate your Sage’s voice. From now on you will know how to tap into your Sage who is a happier, more confident, and self-loving you.

Step 3

Strengthening Your Mental Fitness Muscle and One-on-One Be The One Coaching Sessions with me

This is where we take our coaching to the next level. In these weekly or fortnightly online (or in-person if you prefer) sessions, we’ll work together to enhance the influence of your Positive Brain and strengthen your relationships, utilizing the powerful Positive Intelligence Framework.

We will focus on your specific challenges and obstacles and dive deep into your subconscious mind in order to change your outdated beliefs, get clear on your values, and process traumas that are still affecting your decision-making.

By the end of this coaching phase, you’ll experience profound changes and gain extra awareness. You will also be armed with different, tailored strategies specifically for you, inspired by our work together.

The duration of coaching depends on your needs but usually requires a minimum of 5 sessions. Throughout this process, you’ll transform your relationships with yourself and others, create positive changes, and achieve your desired outcomes.

It’s time to level up and BE THE ONE – the mental fitness master you were always meant to be!

I work via telephone, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp. and face-to-face with clients all over the world.